I could do without people, I really could. Scratch that, I could live without people telling me what to do. That was Robert E. Howard's biggest gripe with the working world and a major motivation for him to succeed as a writer. It's such a simple thing but it bothered him a lot. It didn't really bother me that much until today when I was reprimanded for something small and it got blown out of proportion. I got called into my bosses office and had to stand there while she cursed at me and said what I did was unprofessional (which I thought was ironic seeing as how she kept dropping the f-bomb.) It turned out to not be that big of a deal, like I knew it would, but I still had to endure a quite homely woman who's main job consists of falling asleep at her desk calling me lazy and stupid. All I could think was "Do I, a moderately intelligent adult, need to be reprimanded like a child and made to feel worthless? I wouldn't talk to a kid like this for crying out loud."
My goal is to someday be like my hero Mr. Howard and never have to work a real job for a real boss again. Ever. Is that too much to ask? Is that really just a pipe dream for the lucky few? I know everyone has to pay their dues and work shitty jobs but is this mine? Will I find a way to be self-employed after this? Find out on the next episode of...My Life Sucks.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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George Carlin said something similar. About doing without people. That's usually a good pickmeup.
"Do I, a moderately intelligent adult, need to be reprimanded like a child and made to feel worthless? I wouldn't talk to a kid like this for crying out loud." Easily the most intelligent thing I've heard all week.
I'll gladly watch another episode of "My Life Sucks". Maybe it'll get good for our hero...or will it? Dun-dun-DONE!
I was thinking today, I would have paid good money to see Carlin take the piss out of Dr. Phil. Not in his stand up but right to his goddamn fat mustachioed face. I turned his "show" on at work today just to laugh at how horrible it is but I got too angry and turned the channel.
Carlin had the great ability to detect bullshit in all its forms and was never afraid to call it out. The world is a lesser place without him.
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