Please do not read the following story if you are easily offended. Please?
When Cox woke up that morning, he knew it was going to be a bad day. He knew it because the first thing that happened was that the afternoon sun burned his eyes. The second thing was that his stomach lurched and he had to run for the bathroom to keep from puking in his bed. He didn't make it and ended up splattering reddish-brown stomach bile and beer all over the hallway. He groaned and leaned against the wall, surveying the damage. Mom was not going to be happy. Not that she ever was...
After throwing a bunch of paper towels on the unholy mess he had made, Cox Hunter, 25 years of age and wearing nothing but a pair of worn out boxer-briefs, finally set out to start his day off right. He scratched his ass and dug through the cupboards for some cereal that he hadn't consumed yet. Way in the back behind an ancient can of creamed corn, was a just as ancient box of Fiber-bran. He looked at the box for a full thirty seconds, as if actually trying to decide on the inevitable. This was the only food in the house, and big Cox had to eat.
Pulling a bowl from the cupboard, the last one since he hadn't done the dishes in what was probably going on a good month, he dumped the last powdery bits of stale cereal out and then dug in the mostly empty fridge for something to pour on it. There was no milk because he distinctly remembered drinking it all the day before. I'll have to get on Mom about buying some food, he thought. But then he remembered her screaming at him for not contributing anything or doing any chores the last time he had brought food up. It was better to just keep quiet and play video games all day. That was how you stayed in someone's house. If they never saw you, they couldn't kick you out. Of course, there was the high school keggers and beer parties he was addicted to that kept getting him into trouble...
The only thing in the fridge to drink was an opened can of Fresca, which turned out to be half empty. He shrugged to no one and poured it into the bowl. Taking a bite, he gagged and pounded the counter top in agony. Then he spit the mouthful of cereal and soda into the sink and frowned at the bowl. Then he shrugged again and shuffled off into the living room. He'd find some actual food later. Right now he had a more pressing issue at hand...
Cox Hunter's penis was very small. So small in fact that jacking off was very hard to do since his gut was so big. But if he sucked in just slightly and grabbed it with both hands and thought hard enough, he could get an erection that he could hold onto and stroke. The problem was finding something good to get him off. He wasn't allowed in the computer room anymore since he had almost ruined mom's PC by downloading some farm porn that had a rather nasty Trojan virus on it. Now she locked the door and all his riffling through her room didn't help find it.
He lay back in the easy chair, thinking as it squealed alarmingly under his girth. He didn't have any porn lying around since he has sold it all to his buddy Keith for weed money. He did have his old high school year books, but he had jacked off to the half way decent pictures too much. Finding himself with no other options, he turned on MTV.
What luck! It was some dumb show about stupid rich girls. But they were hot! His penis became slightly engorged with blood and Cox set about pleasuring himself. Just as he was starting to get off, the show ended and he lay back in the chair, exhausted.
Shit, he thought, the next show had better be...oh no! His eyes opened in terror and his erection went away. It was a show about queers! He quickly grabbed for the remote and switched the channel. That was a close one! He thought. But now what? He looked at the limp penis in his hand. He shrugged again to nobody and started channel surfing.
A half hour slipped by. An hour, two passed as Cox mindlessly channel surfed looking for anything that might arouse him. Oprah? No, too fat and ugly. Rachel Ray? Nah, looked too much like mom. Suddenly his finger stopped clicking. Girls in swimsuits! Wait, this was Nickelodeon. They were like, twelve. Still, they were kind of cute....
Anita Hunter had gotten off of work early. Or rather, she had taken off early because she had a blinding headache. It didn't do to manage group therapy sessions in that state of mind. And it would be good to just lay in a dark room and sleep. She sighed loudly as she pulled up to second street and turned off to the suburban block that she called home. She silently prayed that Cox hadn't made any messes. Well, anymore than usual...
Cox was just about there. Sitting as close to the TV as he could, thinking dirty thoughts about the girls on the show, what they would feel like, what they would look like. His cock was at full attention and he was jerking so hard that later he would find sores all over penis. His tounge hanging out, he concentrated on the skinny ass of the main character, a twelve year old blonde girl making a mess in the kitchen. Almost there, almost there...
Anita paused for a second with her hand on the doorknob. Something didn't feel right. What was she going to find? She sighed loudly again and turned the handle...
Cox didn't hear the door open. He didn't hear anything. He was inside his head, doing things that would land him in jail for a very long time if he had done them in real life. When he finally came it shot out in long jets that covered his hands and dripped on the carpet. He sat slumped over, breathing heavily. He turned when he heard the scream, just in time to see his mother bolt out the door. He shrugged as he heard her car drive away. He stared at the mess he had made in his hands for a second and then set about cleaning it up with his tounge.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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