when they got bored and ventured down to look at a stack of beer cans that had mysteriously sprung up over a long weekend.

They were immediately accosted by Dmitri Shostakovich who, as usual, was looking for a group of cool people to latch onto. "Vill you be my friends?" He asked sadly, "I have none of my own.."

"No!" They cried, "Go away Stinkovich! No one likes Chamber Music anymore!" And with that poor Dmitri went off to commit suicide.

"Goodbye cruel woooooorlllld! Ouch! I'm not dead, but dat hurt quite a bit! Oy Gevalt!"

Then the moose came down from by the TV as well and he brought waffles! "Can I be your friend?" He asked in his little moosey voice, "I only like the rockinist of rock music!"

"Of course!" They all shouted and proceeded to chow down with many hearty noms and rock out with much head banging.

The end!
Sweet little collectibles there. Where did you get them?
I was mad that I didn't get the little Gir figure when I ordered my Zim box set, so I nabbed a different one off of Amazon. The pig, moose, squid, and all the food came with it!
Shostakovich I got for free when I was stationed in the desert and someone got it in their care package and didn't want it. It was a good deal too, that set sells online for like 40 bucks! Of course you have to like Russian chamber music...
That is an awesome toy set.
Hoooly crap look at the sleazy horror movies! That's a really nice collection. From Something Weird, I only have Basket Case.
I've kind of turned into a Something Weird addict. They're such trashy skeezy movies, but they're so much fun to watch! Plus they usually have tons of extras so you can sit for hours watching one disc!
I love Basket Case. It's proof that you can make an entertaining movie with about five dollars and a crummy looking puppet. (And lots of fake blood).
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