I didn't physically write this at work today, but I made up most of it in my head.
You wake up in a dungeon made of crude stones. You are wearing a simple cloak made of cheap itchy wool. To your left is an empty food pan. To your right is a pile of filthy straw that you guess must serve as a bed. In front of you is a window high up in the wall. Behind you is a wooden door that contains a barred window. You have no recollection of how you got here. Must have been a wild night.
> Pick up pan.
The pan is in your hand Stan.
> Look at pan.
It's your standard prisoner feeding pan, pounded out of thin metal and coated with a thin film of grease. Pretty nasty if you ask me.
> Pound on door.
"Hey!" A loud angry voice yells from behind the door. "Keep it down in there or you'll be sorry!"
> Pound on door.
A large man wearing heavy looking leather armor barges through the doorway. "What did I just tell you!" He yells and clefts your head in twain with his giant battle ax. Now you're dead. Congratulations.
You wake up in a dungeon made of crude stones. You are wearing a simple cloak made of cheap itchy wool. To your left is an empty food pan. To your right is a pile of filthy straw that you guess must serve as a bed. In front of you is a window high up in the wall. Behind you is a wooden door that contains a barred window. You have no recollection of how you got here. Must have been a wild night.
> Pick up pan.
The pan is in your hand Stan.
> Look out window on door.
You can see a part of a hallway that looks like it goes to a stairs, but the view is mostly blocked by a wall which a large man in heavy looking leather armor is leaning against. My that battle ax looks nasty, wouldn't want to piss him off!
> Look at straw.
It's a pile of straw, filthy and crawling with chiggers, lice, and several other nasty looking things you'd rather not look too closely at.
> Look at window.
The window is high above your head. Light streams through the bars and you can faintly hear birds chirping.
> Climb up to window.
You try to climb up the rocks but succeed in doing nothing but severely hurting your fingers before falling back down to the dirty floor. Nice going Einstein.
> Scream.
You let out a girlish shriek. "Hey!" Says the man behind the door. "Don't make me have to come in there!"
> Poop.
You squat down and push with all your might. Soon a steaming lump of feces is your new cell mate. You muse on when the last time it was that you ate corn.
> Eat poop.
You pick up the steaming pile and shove it in your mouth. It tastes like shit, go figure. The door swings open. "Hey," Says the large scary man, "We've decided that we were wrong to throw you in here, and we're going to let you go you're free to..."
He pauses, and a look of horror and disgust uglifies his already ugly face.
"You sick bastard!" He swings his ax and cuts your head clean off. Now you're dead. Congratulations.
You wake up in a dungeon made of crude stones. You are wearing a simple cloak made of cheap itchy wool. To your left is an empty food pan. To your right is a pile of filthy straw that you guess must serve as a bed. In front of you is a window high up in the wall. Behind you is a wooden door that contains a barred window. You have no recollection of how you got here. Must have been a wild night.
> Pick up pan.
The pan is in your hand Stan.
> Hit self on head with pan.
TWANG! That didn't accomplish much. And now your head hurts.
> Sing and dance.
You dance a merry jig and sing Ace of Base till you're depressed and sit down on the floor and cry.
> Kill self.
Kill self with what?
> Kill self with pan.
Despite the excruciating pain, you use the jagged edge of the pan to cut your own throat open. Before you fade away completely, the rats come out of their hiding places and start gnawing on your body. You are dead. Congratulations.
You wake up in a dungeon made of crude stones. You are wearing a simple cloak made of cheap itchy wool. To your left is an empty food pan. To your right is a pile of filthy straw that you guess must serve as a bed. In front of you is a window high up in the wall. Behind you is a wooden door that contains a barred window. You have no recollection of how you got here. Must have been a wild night.
> Pick up pan.
The pan is in your hand Stan.
> Look under pile of straw.
You fling the straw aside ignoring the nasty little creatures that scatter for cover. You see a book where there once was straw.
> Pick up book.
You have the book in hand man.
> Read book.
You can't very well read it if it's closed now can you? Stupid.
> Open book.
You would be able to open it but it has a lock on it. Did you really think it would be that easy?
> Break lock.
Break lock with what?
> Break lock with pan.
TWANG! TWANG! TWANG! TWANG! It doesn't seem to be working very well. "Hey!" A voice shouts from behind the door. "Keep it quiet in there! If I have to come in, you'll be sorry!" You'd better stop!
> Curse at lock.
The lock remains steadfast despite your dirty mouth.
> Take off cloak.
Now you're cold and naked. That accomplished a lot.
> Look on ground for key.
You sift through the dirt with your fingers. Your hands are now filthy with filth, but still no key. You find a rat hole in the floor.
> Stick hand down rat hole.
Ouch! Something bit you! You pull your hand out and look at your bleeding wound. As you watch, it turns black and so does your whole hand! It runs up your arm till your whole body is diseased. You slump on the floor and wish for death, which eventually comes. You are dead. Congratulations.
Alright guys, what do you think the solution to this puzzle is?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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This was really funny, but I have no clue how to go about solving this yet.
I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as Ian on this one.
Have you ever seen "American Nightmare"? I haven't, but it REEEALLY looks like something you'd love, from the stills and the Cinefamily review:
"...a gritty post-Eraserhead exploration of the horrors of reality... Ending with one of the most brutal climaxes ever committed to celluloid, it is an unforgiving and controversial masterpiece"
I suppose you've stopped reading this by now and headed to Netflix to add this to your queue. Heh.
Oh wait... it's not even on DVD... But I saw a really rare VHS on eBay for 30 bucks.
OK, enough of my foolish movie recommendation.
I've got one, after "Must have been a wild night":
>Pick up pan
Yeah, the pan is in my hand, I know
>Go over to window in wall...
Now what? I'll continue after you tell me the short result of these actions.
There's three movies on IMDB called American Nightmare. Are you talking about the one also called Combat Shock? That one is on Netflix, but only on Instant Watch (Which I can't use since I'm overseas).
> Go over to window in wall.
You are standing under the window. Sunlight streams through the bars and you can hear birds chirping.
I'll wait to post up the next part tomorrow.
Here's a hint on how to get the key for the book, it has to do with the pan and the rat hole.
OK, I just want to see what happens with this though...
>Jam pan in window.
Oh, and yes, that's the movie I was talking about, and under that title, it is on DVD.
So many movies, so little time! I really want to see more of Frank "Basket Case" Henenlotter's flicks. There's a hidden trailer for Brain Damage on the BC DVD, it looks quite insane.
>Jam pan in window.
You stand up on your tiptoes and try to stick the pan through but it's just out of reach. In your frustration, you throw it with all your might. You hear a TWANG and the sound of a child crying. A man's ugly face appears. He doesn't look happy.
"Did you throw this?"
"Er...uh..." You try to reply.
"I know you did you little worm, you hit my son in the head! You're going to pay!"
After a bit the door to your cell swings open and the guard lets in the ugly man and his ugly son who proceed to pummel you with cudgels until you lose consciousness. When you wake you are dressed in a clown costume and several small children throw rocks until you are dead. Game Over man, game over!
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